A virtual dataroom, also known as VDR is an effective way to share and protect confidential documents. While investment bankers are among the most frequent users of this technology, the benefits can be used by businesses of all types. Here are some of the most commonly used uses for a VDR:

M&A due diligence

A merger or purchase by an other company involves sharing a great deal of documentation, most often with third-party entities such as auditors and regulatory agencies. The M&A process is made easier and faster when you have access to a centralized secure repository of the relevant information.

Legal Cases

Litigation processes typically require large quantities of documents that are highly sensitive and confidential. These kinds of documents can easily be lost or stolen, therefore having a VDR is very important for legal teams. VDRs offer lawyers and regulators the ability to review documents remotely, without the risk of compromising security.

Real estate

Offline sharing and signing important documents can be a long process. With the electronic signature feature that the majority of VDR providers offer the process can be made easier and accelerated.

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