It’s difficult to develop secure software, however it’s essential to protect the data and operations of businesses. New Relic hosted a Twitter Space recently with Harry Kimpel of Snyk, and Frank Dornberger of movingimage to discuss the importance of software engineers adopting an attitude of security that will lead them to develop reliable, production-ready apps.

As part of that discussion, we came up with eight tips to help developers develop a security mindset and create more secure software. The following suggestions are based on that discussion and other studies on how to ensure that your software is as secure as you can.

Make sure that your employees are aware of how to find and fix security gaps in their code. Through training, you can teach them secure coding techniques and how they can protect themselves against common attacks, such as phishing. Plan regular, cross functional gatherings to introduce new vulnerabilities and threats to your team. This will allow your developers the opportunity to work alongside other teams facing the same problems.

Create a repository of knowledge and a written record of your company’s software security policies. This will give your employees a reference when they’re writing code and will ensure that everyone knows what the rules are.

Take into consideration the security implications of using third-party libraries or components in your applications. If they aren’t updated regularly there’s a significant possibility of them having security weaknesses that could be exploited by cybercriminals. Use a tool to check for dependencies such as libraries and other dependencies in your source code in order to detect any vulnerabilities.

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