Microsoft’s integrated antivirus software called Windows Security now, does not require subscription. It is also free. The product is highly regarded by the world’s leading AV testing labs and delivers solid protection against malware without affecting system performance. It also includes a number of useful extras, such as security against ransomware and a password manager. However, it does lack certain features that are available in more premium antivirus software, and isn’t the easiest of alternatives.

The threat and virus protection module provides quick scans as well as full scans and custom scans. It also has an offline scan mode that’s designed to remove even the most difficult of threats. The firewall and network module is easy to use, but it’s not as robust as its competitors. Its biggest drawback is that it can only protect Windows devices. If you wish to secure the security of an Android or Mac phone, you will have to look for a different option.

Family options include parental controls and the ability to monitor the health of the devices in your family. There’s even a password manager hidden within the Edge browser, which is able to sync with your other devices. The downside is that you can’t actually control the features from the app, and must utilize a browser to manage them.

In contrast to other antivirus programs It doesn’t integrate to the Windows kernel – a method that could open up new attack surfaces for black hats and can be a risk to the stability of your operating system. It also provides good behavior detection and prevents users from accidentally downloading malicious files.

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