The internet isn’t what it used to be as it used to be. It’s a teeming sea full of all kinds of internet threats that seek to steal your personal information, your financial information, etc. Last year alone, there were over 7 million new JavaScript malware viruses discovered. This is why it’s crucial to keep your antivirus software up-to date. Avast and Bitdefender both offer features that can assist you to do this, such as vulnerability scans that aid in determining which programs are in the process of being outdated, as well as an automatic updater for your software.

However, if you’re looking for the most effective antivirus solution with high malware detection rates and minimal impact on system performance and an affordable price then Bitdefender is a clear winner. It also comes with distinctive features, like shredders for your files, and a webcam/microphone security that blocks any suspicious requests.

Another key aspect is how easy it is to use your antivirus. Avast and Bitdefender both have a relatively simple interface, however Bitdefender is a bit more complex when it is running scans. It took us a while to find the settings and it was difficult to set up a full or boot-time scan.

In terms of support, Bitdefender’s customer support is more impressive than Avast’s. Its customer support phone line is able to speak various languages, and its knowledge base is extensive. Avast however, on its other the other hand, limits its phone support to customers who pay and relies on its information base and forums.

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