How reliable is Scanguard?

The Scanguard software suite includes an extensive range of features and tools to safeguard your PC, tablets, smartphones and other digital devices. The malware scanners work to find and eliminate various kinds of viruses, such as Trojans and rootkits, spyware and viruses. It also provides ransomware protection which stops applications from running until the ransom is paid. Other options include advanced adware coverage that blocks ads that are not needed around four major web browsers and the ability to clean your hard disk that eliminates redundant files on your device to free up space. All Scanguard plans come with 24/7 priority support via email and live chat. The website also includes an FAQ section which is well organized.

While Scanguard is a great anti-virus program, it’s certainly not completely reliable. Several online reviews have questioned its reliability. While the program does a decent job of detecting a variety of malware threats, it is prone to produce a large number of false positives. In addition, it could be a bit costly.

Scanguard is a subscription service that includes three device licenses. A subscription costs $39 per year and is charged at the full cost until cancelled. The Scanguard website explains that you must purchase a subscription to use the software, and that refunds aren’t possible after 30 days. The website also lists all the features and their prices. The website of Scanguard does not include an update log.

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