Semicolons at the end of every line are not needed, although Kotlin does not have an issue if a developer uses them. Additional features reduce the complexity and length of code needed to achieve the end goal of a Kotlin team. To get into the chatbot development, you’ll need to have a good command of these programming languages. There are hundreds of applications already using Kotlin for Android, such as Basecamp, Pinterest and more.

  • Choosing the right — or wrong — language can make the difference between a software project’s success and its failure.
  • Meanwhile, Groovy provides a concise and efficient way of handling variable nullability.
  • Swift promotes strict coding standards and inferring types, and the LLVM compiler enforces type safety that creates safe code.
  • It means you can develop an app for Android and iOS-based solutions using one code.

Kotlin is interoperable with Java which means both languages can share and use the information. Like the java compiler, the Kotlin compiler also generates the byte code, which can run on JVM. Kotlin is definitely worth using in 2023, especially if you want to develop a mobile app in Android. Since Google announced Kotlin as the preferred programming language for mobile app development in Android, Kotlin has become one of the most widely used languages. That’s because Kotlin is easy to maintain, prevents failures, has native support, is multifunctional and open-source.

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Google also crowned Kotlin as the standard IDE for android development. In this tutorial on What is Kotlin, you will learn about Kotlin in detail. Even Google has announced Kotlin as their prime choice over Java on android development. From mobile development to web applications or devices, Kotlin is taking place over the board.

Meanwhile, Groovy provides a concise and efficient way of handling variable nullability. That said, Scala and Groovy both take a long time to compile so Jemerov wanted a new language that had all the benefits of Scala and Groovy but compiled as fast as Java. Other programming languages can be dynamically typed, where the compiler assigns a type to all the variables at runtime. A good example of a dynamically typed programming language is Python.

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It is assumed that many of the people have least or no information about Kotlin. For beginners, it is essential to learn Java as it is easier than Kotlin. Despite the reputation of Java, for so long in Android app development, there was a need for modern language, and Kotlin filled that gap.

what is kotlin language

It serves as a platform for fostering collaboration and community building within the Kotlin ecosystem. For more books, see the community-maintained list at Kotlin is primarily developed by a team of engineers at JetBrains (current team size is 100+). In addition to the core team, there are also over 250 external contributors on GitHub.

Any other online Kotlin resources?

However, the language is still more complex to learn than Java, and its small community provides a limited number of problem-solving resources. The great feature of Data classes is a time-saver, and with Kotlin, declaration of class and its properties can be made in the single line. It requires adding only the data keyword in the class definition.

what is kotlin language

The language is developed by JetBrains that are working on making Kotlin the main programming language for both Android and iOS. Kotlin is inspired by existing languages such as Java, C#, JavaScript, Scala and Groovy. We’ve tried to ensure that Kotlin is easy to learn, so that people can easily jump on board, reading and writing Kotlin in a matter of days. Learning idiomatic Kotlin and using some more of its advanced features can take a little longer, but overall it is not a complicated language. You can try it on popular desktop and mobile platforms and even some IoT devices.


There’s no explicit language notation for a platform type, but in the event Kotlin has to report a platform type, such as in an error message, it appends ! Kotlin, on the other hand, was designed to compile quickly in the most frequent software development scenarios, and in fact often compiles faster than Java code. Built-in null safety makes Kotlin an obvious leader when it comes to Android development. NullPointerException is one of the major causes of Android mistakes as Java enables developers to assign a null value to an object reference, resulting in Android apps’ crash. Kotlin, on the other hand, offers inherent null safety, which means no variable or object can be assigned with a null value. Kotlin’s excellent support is backed by JetBrains, a company that’s created some of the world’s most used IDEs.

In other words, Kotlin has all of the features and advantages of a functional language. Kotlin and Java are two similar languages that can, fortunately, go hand-in-hand. Kotlin has 100% interoperability with Java, meaning developers can have any percentage of code written in Kotlin, and the rest in Java. If developers have the codes from both Java and Kotlin in the same project, they can compile correctly.

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Before you decide to learn a new programming language, It’s important to choose the correct one that fits your needs. It’s an object-oriented programming language supported by the Java virtual machine and Java libraries. Programmers use Kotlin for server-side applications, as well as the mobile app. In addition to developing the backend, Kotlin uses JavaFX, JavaScript, and so on.

Interoperability is probably one of the most attractive features of the Kotlin programming language. From the very start of its development, Kotlin creators set the goal to make every library available to Kotlin programmers. It allows writing some parts of code that work seamlessly within Java code. It makes the process much easier to switch from Java to Kotlin during development. You can use it in both OO and FP styles, or mix elements of the two. With first-class support for features such as higher-order functions, function types and lambdas, Kotlin is a great choice if you’re doing or exploring functional programming.

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Kotlin is a statically typed, object-oriented programming language that is interoperable with the Java virtual machine (JVM), Java Class Libraries and Android. Kotlin/JS allows developers to access powerful browser and web APIs in a type-safe fashion. They can write front-end code in the same language that they used for back-end code, and it’ll be compiled to JavaScript to run in the browser. Kotlin was designed as a replacement for Java on the Android operating system. Kotlin can be used for any kind of development, be it server-side, client-side web, Android. With Kotlin/Native currently in the works, support for other platforms such as embedded systems, macOS and iOS is coming.

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