Many companies see M&A deals as a crucial way to grow, regardless of the global slowdown in economic growth. High interest rates will continue to put pressure on deal-making until 2022. Our latest North American CFO Signals study found that nearly half of respondents believed between 1to 10 percent of their company’s growth in revenue could be attributed to M&A deals.

The recent stabilization of inflation and rates of interest is a sign that the worst is over. This, coupled with renewed confidence in the US economy and the easing of fears of a recession will hopefully inspire more companies to pursue strategic deals this year.

As a result, we expect the upcoming year to be one of the most active for M&A in a variety of sectors. The industrial sector is expected remain a top priority, particularly for acquisitions focusing on innovative technologies such as electric vehicles and cloud-based solutions. We also anticipate the energy transition to accelerate, and firms in this field will likely seek to acquire additional assets and capabilities that will help them succeed.

After a major downturn for the tech industry in 2022 we anticipate a rebound in 2024, since artificial intelligence (AI) and its associated applications, like generative AI, catch the interest of businesses, investors and the general public. The healthcare industry is an important focus for M&A, as both companies and investors vie to bring medical devices that are niche to market.

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