A secure dataroom is an online collaboration platform that speeds up due diligence, cuts down on timeframes for M&A and deal making, while providing a guarantee of safety. It lets both selling and buy-side teams to manage a transaction’s duration from beginning to end in a secure manner.

What is it that sets a secure data space distinct from file sharing websites like Dropbox is that it’s usually designed for the enterprise with the possibility of grouping users, set the permissions for them and gain insight into the use of your data through analytics (e.g. when, how and from where your data is accessible). Many have advanced features, for example, the ability to block downloading and copying (a big no-no) or the https://getdataroom.com ability to display documents in a way that can’t be screenshotted. Many have industry-leading encryption technology to scramble sensitive information and use multi-factor authentication to ensure that it’s really the user trying to login who is requesting access to the information.

The most secure data rooms allow document download for offline viewing in PDF form. If you allow users to print to physical printers, or save the files to file drivers to use for other purposes, they will lose the security applied to the original information in the virtual data rooms.

If you are able to download these files from a room or another system, and then view them without having access to the Internet it is not what you want from an online data room to save sensitive documents for M&A due-diligence, litigation, compliance and other documents that are sensitive. The documents must be kept on devices, and not sent to servers. We recommend a DRM-based system that locks files onto devices rather than servers. This means that it is impossible to remove them from devices and share them with others.

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