Successful board members are dedicated to the mission of the company, its clients, and its shareholders. Attendance at meetings is a top priority and they are actively involved in discussions. They are knowledgeable about the business model, policies and procedures of their company. They stay up to date with latest developments in their field and industry trends to ensure they can make informed contributions.

They are able to control their ego and are confident when working with others. They understand how their actions affect other board members as well as the executive team. They are able to reduce team tension and conflict that can lead to a deficiency of productive work, or even an outright boycott of board meetings. They can ask powerful questions that will get to the heart of the issue and help prevent groupthink.

Board members with a strong reputation have vast expertise in their field and can provide new and useful ideas to others. They can act as a sounding board for sensitive issues, and serve as a mentor for executives. They also excel at creating relationships that go beyond the board room and connecting their fellow board members to new connections.

They are aware of the high standard of governance required for their position and work to fulfill their legal obligations. They are alert for problems that could be a result of management, financial problems, operational or personnel and take action to correct problems before they get worse. They also realize that their role is to act as an important partner to the CEO, assisting them to identify ways to reach their goals and maximise opportunities.

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